The End of the American Empire

The world is rapidly changing. News channels are frequently telling us that the world’s center is shifting from the West to the East, i.e. from America (USA) to China. This is true, but what has caused this change? The answer is simple: ,good bye Americathe collapse of the American Empire and the rise of the next no.1 world power, China.
For history’s sake, I want to pinpoint what are the four key events that have caused the implosion of the United States of America. I will point out here that turning away from God, 9/11, Obama’s presidency, and China’s theft of America’s best weapons are the main facts that have led to America’s loss of her status as the no. 1 world Empire. Please feel free to read and share your opinion. I’m glad we still have free speech these days.
The first and most important reason America has collapsed as the modern world’s top empire is turning away from her God. While this nation has never been fully obedient to God and Christian ethics, it has in many ways been built upon and developed on Judeo-Christian values. Nonetheless, in the past decade there has been a major increase in the anti-God, anti-Christian decisions the US has made: taking The Ten Commandments out of courtrooms, removing prayer to God and Christianity from schools, which leaves children without a notion and a fear of God’s authority, and the increased efforts especially by atheists to remove Christianity from the public sphere. Whether America realizes or not, her turning away from God has grave consequences. I would recommend simply looking at the biblical-sized plagues hitting this land in the past few years: “the fish from hell” in several states’ lakes, rats the size of cats in Florida, crazy ants replacing the already damaging fire ants – these and many more cataclysms have been all news headlines. I believe this is God’s way of rebuking America and trying to get her attention to return to Him in repentance.
The second event that has played a major role in America’s downfall was the attack on American soil by Muslim terrorists on September 11, 2001 – also known as 9/11. That terrible act has done a lot more harm to America than just killing of over 3000 innocent people; it has stabbed America’s heart and her standing in the world. That is, by succeeding to infringe a wound on this world power, the Islamic terrorists have deflated America’s ego and pride. No longer can Americans say they are invincible. A handful of brainwashed Muslim terrorists have shown America can be defeated. This became the very tip of the spear. With America’s pride humbled, fear also gripped the hearts of Americans across the land. On the other hand, until 9/11 the whole world feared America and did not want to mess with her. While the Russians have always wanted to be the bigger power, and more recently the Chinese and the Europeans as well, they avoided such direct confrontation… until now. Now the nations of the world have seen America weak and fearful and, like sharks that smell blood and come to hunt, have begun to challenge the USA.
The third major event that has led to the collapse of the USA is the presidency of Barak Hussein Obama. America already had a divided ideology clearly shown by the election platforms of the Democrat and Republican parties. But this nation has become extremely polarized under the current president, Mr. Obama. America could have recovered from the 9/11 trauma and could have even continued with a somewhat divided ideology, as it has done for decades. However, the ideological division coupled with the disastrous presidency of Mr. Obama has led to a deadly implosion of the American Empire. Obama Face on US MapThe initial four years of Obama’s presidency may have well been enough to give the final blow, but certainly by the end of this man’s eight years in office America will have collapsed, whether she realizes that yet or not. This president’s many anti-American measures while in office are too many for me to discuss here. Others will do a better job at that. I’ll just mention his intentional appeasement of America’s enemies and punishment and pushing away of her friends, the constant flow of funding and weapons paid by Obama through the American taxpayer money to Islamic nations who are behind world terrorism, ruining the American healthcare system, (dare I say? giving visas and rights to countless Muslim immigrants), as well as the many scandals (some discovered some not) that this president has been involved in, and the list could go on. All these are the results of an incredibly intelligent and purposefully anti-American president.
After turning away from her God, after the 9/11 attack, and after Obama’s presidency, the final straw is America’s loss of the “maxim gun.” Perhaps the media was too busy covering president Obama’s many scandals or, more likely, perhaps they have been already bought up by him like in many dictatorship nations, but there was very little coverage of China’s theft of America’s best weapons’ designs. The media devoted a few days this May to state that “Chinese hackers” have stolen the blueprints of America’s top weapons, but it all stopped there despite the fact that those designs cost trillions of dollars. Instead, the American media should have went crazy over this unacceptable situation. This is the equivalent of China coming over the Pacific with war vessels and disarming America!! The American President and government should have demanded instant response from China. Nothing short of returning all and any of these blueprints to America, giving open access to the American military to remove all knowledge of this from China, as well as a huge change from manufacturing in China to, for instance India, as a punishment should have taken place. But, the American media, public and most important, president, House, and Senate have done nothing about this. Also, this insane transfer of highly sensitive information from US to China could have never happened without someone inside the US committing treason. I think no one else could have been capable of doing this without fear of retribution but the American president himself and his appointed chiefs over America’s defense. Because Obama is clearly an anti-American, most likely Muslim, he has allowed this highest act of treason in American history to take place. This is one of the many actions for which he should have been removed from office. Consequently, because the US is not the only one who has the biggest gun anymore, the second criteria for world dominance is who has the most resources. Simply said, there are way more Chinese than Americans and the Chinese economy has overtaken the American one. So although at the moment both nations have the same guns, China has more resources. With the help of the “maxim gun” China is the new no. 1 world power.
My regretful conclusion here is that because America turned away from God, suffered the 9/11 attack, has been ruined by Obama’s presidency, and has lost her edge in weaponry to China, she has also lost her status as the world’s leading empire.

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