The Implications of Obama’s Reelection

In 2008, very few people knew the real Obama. Those who did know and had power and influence decided to cover it all up. America was not ready for such a radical change. Over the next four years, America has learnt who this man is, or should have learnt.

From a spiritual perspective, this is the man that cancelled the American National Day of Prayer to the Jewish-Christian God and, instead, chose to set in place a Muslim day of prayer to Allah. He himself was seen worshiping this god. This clearly shows Obama has no Christian faith or values there. I think it can clearly be said that this president has declared before 2008 that America is not a Christian nation anymore, and has done everything in his power to make sure that becomes a fact.

From a financial perspective, this is the man that took the national deficit from $10 trillion to $16 trillion. When Bush took office, the national debt stood at almost $6 trillion. When he left office, after 8 years and 2 wars, the national debt was a little over $10 trillion. When Obama took office, he accumulated another $6 trillion in debt in only 4 years. Obama’s empty promises, which many Americans believed, were only the bait for a very painful awakening to reality year after year. My conclusion is that this president can be credited with bankrupting America.

From a patriotic perspective, this is the least American president in America’s history. His response to the American embassy attack in Libya, before, during, and after the attack shows no desire to protect American lives or her status internationally among her enemies. Moreover, his decision on the Fort Hood massacre goes against America’s military forces and their families. When one Muslim terrorist dressed in American military clothes chose to go on a rampage and giving glory to Allah by showing Allahu Akbar – Allah is great (typical formula used by all Muslim terrorists around the world when the go on killing people) – Obama decide to call the act “work violence” rather than terrorism. The reason is that this way the families who suffered the loss of their loved ones in this attack are not only denied justice but also the financial compensation for such a loss. What amazes me is that America remained largely silent at these news. No one took to the streets to protest such an unacceptable gesture. Why take to the streets? Because that is the only language Obama understands when his Muslim brothers protest. My logical conclusion is that America has reelected someone who is clearly anti-American. This is mind puzzling.

From an international perspective, Obama has badly damaged America’s relations with her key allies and has make her seem weak and vulnerable to her enemies. In Europe, Obama has insulted America’s most important ally, Great Britain. Soon after he took office, in his first official meeting with the British prime minister, then Gordon Brown, president Obama knew very well that custom to exchange significant and expensive gifts. Instead, he gave the Queen a broken Ipod and to the prime minister a set of American movies, which don’t even work in UK cd players. Even more, he returned Winston Churchill’s bust that the British officials had previously given America. This was a major insult to the British. It was giving back the symbol of their war hero who kept Britain from being conquered by the Germans. By this action, Obama was incredibly rude to Britain. It was similar as if Britain had returned a miniature copy of the Statue of Liberty to America. Consequently, less than 6 months later, Britain imposed visas on all Americans desiring to visit or stay for a while in the UK. This is a real head ache for any American coming to UK and especially for those wanting to stay more than 3 months.
In the Middle East… dare I say? Yes, let’s say it as it truly is. Obama’s brother, let’s not forget, leaves in Egypt. Egypt had been at peace with Israel for the past 30 years and in good relations with the Western World. This did not fit Obama or Islam’s agenda. So President Mubarak had to go. Yes, it was at Obama’s initiative that the West began to call their long time partner a tyrant. It was with Obama’s support that the Muslim extremists felt they need not be afraid of the Egyptian army because their brother Obama will protect them. Is it too much to believe that Obama is in close relations with the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood and that his brother is part of it himself? If it was, then he would not have received the in Washington earlier this year, promising to maintain America’s financial support of Egypt, although the new Egypt is now ruled by Muslim extremists who are about to make Sharia law into state constitution. It’s Obama’s actions that speak louder than his well crafted, half trues. Thus, it was his initiative and plan to help the rise of a dormant enemy of Israel, America and the West. The problems Israel and the West will have with Egypt are just becoming visible. But sure, all the media that submitted like puddles to Obama’s request in bashing, blaming and making then Egyptian President Mubarak unacceptable are now mum about the new situation in Egypt.
Just as bad, Obama’s policies towards Iran have damaged the trust of America’s closest ally in the Muslim world, Saudi Arabia. This nation did not pursue nuclear weapons because it thought America will defend her interest since it was in both countries’ interest. But now, with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, with the growing influence of Iran and Turkey as other Islamic extremist nations, Saudi Arabia is left with few friends to turn to.
Concerning Israel, Obama’s policies have been a tragedy. This president has turned his back and America’s sight away from Israel. He has diminished the importance of Israel for the American people and is making Israel’s leaders who truly care about the nation seem stupid, unwilling to make concessions, which they have to a very tragic result for her people, and none important for America. Make no mistakes, no Muslim nation has America’s interest in mind when dealing with her. Perhaps there are few exceptions, like Saudi Arabia, perhaps, but trading a friend for 5 enemies if a big mistake. It’s a mistake if you want what’s best for America. But Obama clearly doesn’t so for him this is only following a carefully planned agenda of destroying America and turning her into another Muslim nation.
Evidently, Obama’s America has betrayed her closest allies and has bolstered her fiercest enemies. If you think otherwise you are not seeing and hearing clearly what has been happening under Obama. Let’s not forget that even to Russia’s president he has promised to be more flexible after these elections, Russia being the key player that seeks to rise above America.

The important health care law has been designed in such a way that those who work in America, who have been getting fewer and fewer under Obama, have to pay for those who don’t. It’s not a problem with helping someone for 6 months while they get back on their feet with health insurance or job benefits, it’s about creating a system of freebies and laziness in which people don’t see the need to work anymore. In this situation those who do work end up in desperation and poverty trying to pay more taxes. That is what ultimately leads bankrupting the economy. When less and less people contribute to paying taxes and more and more people apply for benefits you will ultimately run into bigger and bigger debt. No surprise there, this has been happening for the past 4 years.

The tax system in place to take effect from January 2013 is already a headache for small businesses. It will only give the upper arm to major corporations and bankrupt the middle class further.

Lastly, but worth mentioning, president Obama’s internal policy has been divide and conquer. Under false pretentions that he is seeing common group for unity in differing opinions, he has succeeded to emphasize so much the differences in American beliefs and values that it is not about Americans and “one nation under God” anymore, but about Democrats and Republicans, about those pro-God and those pro-gay. This administration has hammered and highlighted the differences so much that it has successfully achieved an America that has never been more divided. And divided America will fall. Sadly, it has already fallen. This reelection of Obama is the wound that has finally make her kneel before her final (self-) destruction.

So what are the implications of Obama’s reelection for the United States of America and for the World?
The world that is against American interests is rejoicing. Iran, China, Russia, they are all celebrating. Even Europe is celebrating, but for other reasons. For pagan Europe this is the prevailing of anti-Christian values, of atheist and humanist over Christianity. Rightly so, for this is what it means. For a Europe steeped in hatred of the God of the Jewish-Christian Bible, who is going to become Islamic in the next 30 years, this is good news for she is not alone on a path to madness anymore.
For nations that counted on America’s help, this is a tragic day. It’s the beginning of some lonely years in which I hope they will be able to identify each other and forge strong alliances in the wake of rising of evil powers.
For America herself, the implications will have a lasting impact. I doubt that even if the next 5 presidents of America would be God fearing men or women and excellent administrators, they would not be able to diminish the damage that Obama’s administration has done and is about to do to America.
Spiritually, under Obama, America is moving rapidly away from God, is embracing evil and humanistic morals. While 4 years ago Americans knew little about Obama, now they have no excuse. Four years ago people voted for change and hope of financial prosperity. While none of that took place, this time they simply voted to go further and further away from God. This is America’s new, destructing direction. Some of the present generation and future generations will suffer tragic consequences for this choice of today’s voting generation.
Financially, America is bankrupt. Obama will lead her off the cliff of any financial stability and into complete destruction.
As a world power, America will lose whatever influence she has left. Her enemies will be more victorious and her friends will suffer important losses.

What amazes me is that although the whole nation saw the Democratic Party desperately trying to reinstate “God” and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on its platform, and although the nation has seen Obama’s anti-American, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Israel values and policies, still the people voted for an evil man to lead them. I can conclude that president Obama has been the most successful president in America’s history. He has been reelected despite a disastrous record. I did not say he is successful in helping the nation, but in blinding and bankrupting the nation.

So what is left for the God loving and God fearing people of America? It seems that very little, but I would say very much. You have God, you have everything. Jesus did not promise heaven on earth, which Christians have tried to make America. Instead a nation falling even further into sin and moving further away from God does not need more politicians. America needs her true Christians to lead her from the inside, to be an example of Christ-like love, and to not give up on making disciples, to praying for this great nation, and to continue to stand for their beliefs despite rising persecution within America’s borders. American Christians must continue to be salt and light and must continue to hope and look forward to the real heaven that Jesus is designing for us. Ultimately this is good news for America’s Christians; a tougher America to leave in will lead to people of a stronger faith and prayer life. Persecution and difficulties have always make stronger Christians than luxury and an easy life. We need to rejoice, our future reward will be even greater.
As far as America’s friends and allies go, the hope is that after another 4 years of Obama, America will wake up and change. Even if that does not happen, there is hope for you that the God who raised America to become a great nation can show mercy and blessings to your own nation if you embrace Him and pray for His protection of your people.

May God bless America! May God bless the whole world with salvation and revival!

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