President Obama Pressures Israel to Return to the 1967 Borders

In mid-May this year, president Barak Obama pressured Israel to return to her pre-1967 borders. Several things are worth underlining here.Obama and Israeli Flag

Some Israeli and pro-Israeli groups emphasized that if this were to happen, Israel would be left with indefensible borders. In the appropriate context in which Iran keeps reiterating her desire to wipe out the state of Israel, aided by her terrorist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, this makes complete sense. Thus, a decision to go to borders that invite war is a wrong decision.

Several important figures tried to brush off Obama’s demand and suggested that this is not what he really meant. In case he wasn’t properly understood, the president has since then reiterated his desire. Therefore, no one can negate Obama’s interest to harm Israel.

What Obama’s demand shows is that he is anti-Israeli. Not that this is something new, but when America – supposedly Israel’s most reliable friend – turns against Israel, this gives increased courage to Israel’s declared enemies to attack her.

Perhaps just as important as Obama’s demand is also the media’s well-known biased against Israel. Thus, it is not surprising to notice that trusted websites simply state that Israel began the 1967 War and occupied territories from neighboring countries. Instead, they should first make it clear that Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, etc, had been broadcasting during the months leading to the war their decision to destroy Israel and had now mounted military forces at the Israeli borders ready for attack (for a thorough presentation of the Six Day War, please see Second, they should do some research and see that according to history those territories belong to Israel. However, why would they bother to say the truth about Israel? They are probably too busy covering facts about Turkey still occupying Cyprus while the EU, US, UN and NATO tolerate it.

Finally yet importantly, international law of war states that if one nation is attacked and while in self-defense, it conquers enemy territories, those territories belong to the attacked state. Thus, it does not make sense for Israel to give back these territories. Even more, other nations or religious groups that have attacked and conquered other nations/territories have never given them back. To use Turkey as an example once again, Islam has yet to withdraw from the once-Christian nation with its capital in Constantinople, which Islam has conquered by force and renamed Istanbul.

A couple paradoxes are worth underlining in conclusion. First, how can president Obama say America is a friend of Israel while he favors what is very detrimental to the very existence of his friend. One explanation is that Obama does not identify himself with the American majority. Second, how can the media claim to fulfill her mandate as a broadcaster of facts when she is biased? Either the media is true to evidence or she is to admit being anti-Semitic and unfair to people groups she so chooses. But then, can the media still be trusted?

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